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air control 空中交通管制。

air cooler

Generally speaking , studies concerning about the energy , saving for hvac systems are carried out passively or initiatively , this paper intend to discuss the impacts produced by different hvac indoor air temperature control strategies , humidity control strategies and outdoor air control strategies in different hvac systems in terms of energy consumption and indoor environment parameters 一般而言,研究空調系統的節能主要是從兩個方面進行:被動方面和主動方面。本文是從后者出發探討空調系統中的室內溫度、濕度和新風控制策略對空調系統運行能耗的影響,同時也涉及到不同的控制策略對室內環境參數的影響分析。

This paper analyzes the impacts in energy consumption and indoor environment parameters by different hvac indoor air temperature control strategies , humidity control strategies and outdoor air control strategies equipped with in hvac systems , and presents some means and measures to achieve energy saving and obtain disable indoor air environment in terms of these control strategies and operating management 本文對所確立的研究對象從空調系統的室內溫度、濕度和新風控制策略出發多方位、多角度地研究了它們對空調系統運行能耗和室內環境參數的影響,并從控制策略和設計、運行管理上提出了實現空調系統節能運行同時兼顧室內環境參數的辦法和措施。

The mssr mode s technology , which was introduced firstly for the purpose of air tranfic control ( atc ) system , is based on the individually addressing and selective interrogation technology . the mode s can overcome many problems exist in mode a / c , such as signal interference , limited aircraft identification , garble and fruit , and provides the ability to build digital data link . many countries and organizations do them best to support researches about the communication , navigation and surveillance technology , which are all based on the mode s , and many productions have been adopted step by step by the international civil aviation organization ( icao ) . so , to research the key technologies of mode s will contribute a lot to the development of domestic aviation system , especially for the air control system , identification friend foe and navigation system 它建立在獨立編址、選擇性詢問的基礎之上,能夠解決在模式a / c中存在的信號干擾、有限的信息編碼、幻影( garble )和異步應答( fruit )等問題,同時在數據鏈路方面有著巨大的潛力。國際上,模式s的數據鏈技術得到了廣泛的關注,許多國家和組織大力支持基于模式s的通信、導航和監視技術以及航空管理新技術的研究,許多成果正逐步被國際民用航空組織( icao )所采用。因此,對模式s核心技術的深入研究對于我國在航空管理、敵我識別、導航等方面的發展有著重大的意義。

* the huge american market results from huge military helicopter demand , oil crisis in 1970s , government policy and etc . but chinese market is confined by comparatively lower gdp , weak military demand , preliminary air control and powerless industry association . * facing the keen competition , catic should further strengthen its competitive advantage in helicopter sales ability , extend its business line to supply service for helicopters such as fixed base operation *面對日益激烈的競爭環境,中航技公司應該大力增強其在銷售領域的競爭優勢,圍繞航空產品和技術進出口這一核心業務向外圍擴展,進入直升機運營領域開展直升機服務業務及運營通用航空服務站,在新產品的研發方面則應以起飛重量不超過4噸的單發渦軸直升機為主,采用合資合作等方式。

Its products mainly cover 9 key series : air filter , air purification equipment , purifying energy - saving & environment - friendly air conditioner , air cleaner , anti - static product , air control valve , filter cotton , purified water filtration core and filter 公司生產和經營的產品主要分為九大系列:空氣過濾器;空氣凈化設備;凈化型節能環保空調;空氣凈化機;防靜電;風口調節閥;過濾棉;純水濾芯;濾清器。

Combined with debugging expirence in the field , the control system of incinerator , including the stocker control system , primary air control system , secondary air control system etc . , used in nanshan municipal solid waste ( msw ) incineration power plant has been presented 摘要結合現場調試經驗,介紹了深圳市南山垃圾焚燒發電廠焚燒爐控制系統,包括爐排控制系統、一次風控制系統、二次風控制系統等。

Meanwhile , all ams non - emergency ambulances were installed with fans for inside compartment ventilation . drivers were instructed to switch off the idled engine while sending patient to clinic or their home . they all strictly complied with the air control ordinance issued 我們已提醒司機在等候接送病人往返診所及寓所時,須把空車的引擎關上,他們均嚴格遵守有關空氣管制條例的規定。

The variable - frequency of the fan control is realized by using the method of total volume air control of vav systems , at the same time , fuzzy - control is applied in terminate controller to make the system get a certain energy consumption 通過引入變風量空調系統總風量控制方法的設計思路對風機進行變頻控制,同時對末端控制器采用模糊控制技術,使得整個空調系統達到一定的節能目的。

The red and green channel system , a new mode of customs clearance , is smoothly implemented at all sea , land and air control points , the head of control points command , mr ko chi - lok said today ( november 1 ) 邊境及口岸科總指揮官高智樂說,香港海關今日(十一月一日)在所有海、陸、空入境管制站實施的新旅客清關系統?紅綠通道系統運作暢順。

Hong kong customs and excise department today ( october 20 ) announced that a new mode of customs clearance for arriving passengers at all sea , land and air control points would be launched on november 1 , 2005 香港海關今日(十月二十日)宣布將于二五年十一月一日在所有海、陸、空入境管制站實施新的旅客清關系統,稱為紅綠通道系統。

Provide detailed information on how the main burner and dryout burner are controlled , including step - by - step procedure for fuel and air control . list out which valves are activated in the procedure 提供控制主燒嘴和干燥燒嘴的詳細信息,包括燃料與空氣的逐步控制步驟。列出在步驟中哪個閥門被觸發。

Drivers were instructed to switch off the idled engine while sending patient to clinic or their home . they all strictly complied with the air control ordinance issued 我們已提醒司機在等候接送病人往返診所及寓所時,須把空車的引擎關上,他們均嚴格遵守有關空氣管制條例的規定。

In the end , paper introduces the can node based on the industrial air controlling system and node design of hardware and software 然后詳細講述基于工業空調聯機控制系統的can總線節點的設計,對節點的軟、硬件設計進行了詳細的說明。

An atm term . additive increase rate : an abr service parameter , air controls the rate at which the cell transmission rate increases 一種atm術語。附加增速:一種abr業務參數, air控制信元傳輸速率的增加速度。

We instruct our drivers to comply with the air control guidelines such as switching off the engine while waiting 本署已訓示司機遵從有關空氣質素管制的指引,例如在停車等候時關掉引擎。

An overall air control for each pipe in each room is available by fitting an air valve at the hot water supply 把空氣閥安裝在溫水供給器時可綜合處理各房間管路內的空氣。

Revolution control devices for combustion - air control in furnaces ; safety requirements and test 熔爐燃燒空氣監控器轉數控制裝置.安全性要求和試驗

Key changes to make the land , sea and air control in the time limit to get all the goods 上下鍵控制海陸空的變身,在限時內拿到所有的物品

Treatment of coal seam prone to spontaneous combustion by polymer material for air control 高分子防滅火材料在治理煤層自然發火中的應用